10 Books That everyone Should Read

10 Books That Everyone Should Read

Do you want to be successful in life? Well, who does not? Why not learn from successful people who have already achieved success in their life. Stephen R Covey combines habits of best leaders and penned this masterpiece of a book. Before you adopt the seven habits highlighted in this book, Covey suggests that you change your mindset and approach about productivity, positive thinking and time management.
The Alchemist is a best-selling novel by Brazillian author, Paulo Coelho. He blends empowering and spiritual truths with an intriguing story of a young shepherd to make this novel immortal. Although, the characterization is shallow but remembers it was written as a short fable.
Which is the best experience you have ever had in your life? A vacation a few years back or a memorable dinner with your family might be your answer. If yes, then this book will change your perspective about experiences. According to the author, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, your optimal experiences are ones where you are giving your best shot for achieving yourself directed goals. Not only that, he went on to show how you can bring flow in your life and channel it to achieve the unthinkable.
Daniel Kahneman dives deeper into psychological to unlock the code on how we make decisions in this book. Initially, he breaks down our thinking into two systems and then highlights how both of these systems influence our decision-making. The simple writing style of the author combined with the actionable steps makes this book a good read. Although, the steps he suggests are nothing extraordinary but they do work in every industry including digital marketing. Whether we are making smaller decisions or big ones, this book will surely help.
I do not know if you have noticed it or not but this is the second book related to habits that made to our list. Charles Dubigg provides a detailed account of habits to readers by analyzing how habits are formed and important elements involved in it through this book. He also discusses how these habits can affect every aspect of your life and create a domino effect. If you are struggling to overcome a bad habit, then you must read this book as it will help you replace those bad habits with good habits.
Are you struggling to keep up with life and career? If yes then, you need to awaken the giant within to overcome all the obstacles in your personal and professional lives. This book shows you how to do it. Tony Robbins offers some actionable strategies to regain control of your emotional self. When you are on the driving seat of your inner self, the outer self also acts as the wheels and moves in the same direction as you steer it through the steering, It’s not only a fascinating read but it will also transform your life. Best of all, you will feel the change and become a completely different person after reading this book.
Do you make any excuses? Do you blame others for your dismal performance and poor quality of life? If that is what you do then, you sill stop doing all this after reading this book. Malcolm Gladwell thinks that you can master anything you put your mind and effort to. How much time do you need? According to his research, you can become a thorough professional in any field by investing 10,000 hours on it. There are no shortcuts and you cannot achieve overnight success.
Inspired by a suggestion from a famous Scottish-American business tycoon, Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill wrote this best-selling book. Published way back in 1937, the advice given in this book holds true to this day as the book was written today. The author studied the lives of successful individuals for two decades before penning down this gem of a self-improvement book. A must-read for anyone who is looking for a dose of inspiration and motivation.
Malcolm X is a self-made man and his autobiography clearly shows that aspect of his life. Its main theme is purpose and commitment towards that purpose. Malcolm X went through transformation twice in his life, which broke him away from his past. Despite all that, he still managed to achieve success. No matter what the truth might be about Malcolm X, this autobiography is worth reading.
If your life is in disarray and you want to regain control of your life, then this book by Bill Burnet and Dave Evans will help you to back your life back on track. The practical steps in this book will assist readers in building a satisfying and meaningful life that you always wanted to live. It does by putting the readers into designer shoes and takes them through the paces in designing their own life.
